Corner Cafe: A Conversation About Our Faith in Jesus
Corner Cafe: A Conversation About Our Faith in Jesus comes to you every Saturday on AM 670 KLTT at 5 p.m. and on AM 1220 KLDC at 12 p.m. and 8 p.m. (re airs Tuesdays @ 6p.m. on KLDC). The show invites influencers, and leaders in the Christian community, to talk about their faith in Jesus. We all have a common bond to uplift our Savior Jesus Christ. We discuss issues impacting our faith and the community of faith. And, we won't shy away from discussing hard topics such as Biblical doctrines. We desire to be a positive influence and to encourage listeners in their Christian faith.
Corner Cafe: A Conversation About Our Faith in Jesus
Comedian Jeff Allen asks the question, “Are we there yet?”
Rachel Mains talks with comedian, actor, and author Jeff Allen. Jeff talks about how he learned to clean up his comedy comedy routine to be a better influence on his kids and also after he came to faith. He also discusses the current culture we live in and how it seems we've lost the ability to laugh at ourselves.
Jeff Allen Comedian
Jeff Allen combines clean, hilarious humor like no other comedian working today. Besides performing at corporate functions and fundraisers, he regularly appears on television, radio, and casinos across the country. Jeff has been featured on America’s Got Talent, Netflix, Amazon, Dry Bar Comedy, Pureflix, Huckabee, Warner Bros., Bananas, Apostles of Comedy, Thou Shalt Laugh, and numerous other networks and shows. Consistently making heroes out of meeting planners, Jeff Allen provides world-class comedy. With over 400 Million video views on YouTube and Facebook, comedian and viral sensation!
Learn more: https://www.jeffallencomedy.com
Get tickets to Jeff's visit to Parker, CO - Pace Center - September 20
WEBSITE: https://influencerstv.com/the-corner-cafe
SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://urbanskye.givingfuel.com/rachel-mains
FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cornercafeentertainment
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