Corner Cafe: A Conversation About Our Faith in Jesus
Corner Cafe: A Conversation About Our Faith in Jesus comes to you every Saturday on AM 670 KLTT at 5 p.m. and on AM 1220 KLDC at 12 p.m. and 8 p.m. (re airs Tuesdays @ 6p.m. on KLDC). The show invites influencers, and leaders in the Christian community, to talk about their faith in Jesus. We all have a common bond to uplift our Savior Jesus Christ. We discuss issues impacting our faith and the community of faith. And, we won't shy away from discussing hard topics such as Biblical doctrines. We desire to be a positive influence and to encourage listeners in their Christian faith.
Corner Cafe: A Conversation About Our Faith in Jesus
Furniture Row Spokesperson, Rachel Amidei, Talks About New Music Project with Husband Dave Preston
Rachel Amidei is the spokesperson for Furniture Row and talent at Big Fish Talent. Rachel is also a singer-songwriter and music producer. In addition, Rachel has a podcast called The Spiritual Exercises: Testing Modern Christianity, Modern Politics and Modern Art through the Lens of Scripture.
Rachel's Podcast: https://rachela.substack.com
WEBSITE: https://influencerstv.com/the-corner-cafe
SUPPORT THE SHOW: https://urbanskye.givingfuel.com/rachel-mains
FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cornercafeentertainment
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